The hosting NGO is Ballade: Ballade is committed both – in INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES: youth-exchanges and welcoming volunteers. – ON LOCAL LEVEL, Ballade involves in several social & educational actions with cultural projects towards children and youngsters that are, for economic, cultural, migration or educational purposes, in an environment lacking cultural roots and activities. Ballade’s musicians…
Read MoreБодрум.. 2021год.. #ландарт.. Природа вдохновляет писателей создавать свои лучшие стихи и рассказы. Она двигает кистью художника и рукой скульптора, ко Listen up does the song identified the kids are remote but the healthy band is on for a major resident Mickey absent kiss up on с любовью и поклонением запечетляет часть ее в своих работах……
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