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“Future in Our Hands ” Youth non-governmental organization’s  general idea is to carry out socially useful activity.  The members  of the  organization are  mostly youth (students, high school pupils,etc…) and  specialist of  working with youth and children, united around the  idea of  promoting education and  European awarness among the youth and generally among the society,  supporting people,  helping people with  fewer opportunities  in their  social integration, making youth participation in public life more active  and strengthening the principles of civil society and democracy. The main objectives of the organization are:
 • Implement a number of studies and joint training to assist local authorities on matters of public interest;
• To develop solidarity and promote tolerance among the public • To encourage public participation and strengthening links between local groups, schools, businesses and municipal authorities.
 • To stimulate participation of young  people for involvement in activities related to personal and social development activities for social adaptation of marginalized youth communities.
• To carry out active work for sustainable social development and democratic principles to promote civil society.
 • To work for action and measures to restore and improve the quality of the environment.
• To improve the welfare of disabled people – their acceptance and finding a place in a family in a circle of peers, colleagues, friends and the m iddle part of the community in which they live.
• Ensure including accepting  and encouraging environment for children and youth with disabilities.
• To counteract negative social phenomena, spreading in a youth environment, such as: crime, aggression, addiction, prostitution, xenophobia and others.
Модные тенденции и тренды . Осень-зима 2018-2019

9 Thoughts to “About Us”

  1. […] to FIOH Youth Blog. As you know we have site (, which is much more formal and gives you an overall idea about us and our social […]

  2. Hovhannes

    Hello. I’m glad your site for inclusion. I would like to cooperate with you.

    1. fiohadmin

      Dear Hovhannes,
      We’re always open to new cooperation, so we would kindly like to ask you to send a PM to our email about your expectations and we will get back to you soonest!

  3. AnnA

    Hi, i’ve sent my CV for Georgia-Czech Republic program, and i haven’t got any answer yet, does it mean that i am not selected?

  4. Hello!

    I have been an active volunteer both European and local. I keep on being interested in Youth projects.

    Here we go!

  5. Sergey

    I confirm the requirments.

    1. Dear Sergey,
      You don’t need to confirm requirements in a comment. In case you’re interested in the program you should apply as stated in the post!

  6. Hello, I want to participate in your programs.

  7. This is a fantastic Youth Organisation

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