11129206_859256017479273_6587830096178934945_nTHE ORGANIZATION: ASTRADE Association was born in 1996 as a result of the union of people who have some member in their families with Pervasive Developmental Disorder, becoming non-profit organization with the mission to improve the quality of life of people with Pervasive Developmental Disorder and their Families. ASTRADE is formed of more than 300 families located throughout the Region of Murcia, which form the Assembly. ASTRADE has a group of people close to hundred professionals and a significant group of volunteers.

THE PROJECT ENVIRONMENT: The project is focused on education and treatment of young people with Autism and Asperger syndrome in Murcia through non-formal education activities, psychological treatment and emotional support. This project will mainly be done in the region of Murcia, in the centre of Molina de Segura (but not exclusively). Molina de Segura is a Spanish town of Murcia (at the Southeast of Spain) with a population of 68,511 inhabitants (2012) located 8 km from the capital, Murcia. Molina’s economic activity is centred mainly on the canning industry and its derivatives and related; Molina is one of the most industrialized cities in the southeast Spanish. Agriculture is also representative, and its main crops are stone fruit, citrus, herbaceous, and dry crops such as almonds and olives; the woodland has high quality, and the agricultural production is present in the national and
European markets.The principal framework of ASTRADE is located in our Day Centre in Molina de Segura, which is a prepared space for our young people with Asperger syndrome, to support the normalization of their everyday; in addition, this centre is enabled with the necessary resources for the implementation and development of workshops with them. On the other hand, the framework of ASTRADE takes also place in the capital, Murcia, where are realized the social activities and the leisure and free time activities with these young people.



In case of interest do not hesitate to contact us: info@fioh-ngo.com or +37495337873

Deadline for applications: 15.08.2015