During the advanced planning visit to the Netherlands for the upcoming “You(th)ink Green” youth exchange project, our team embarked on an exciting journey filled with anticipation and purpose. Our main objective was to ensure a seamless and impactful experience for the participants, and we left no stone unturned in our preparations.

Upon arriving in the Netherlands, we were greeted by the country’s vibrant atmosphere and picturesque landscapes. Our first order of business was to visit the accommodations that would house the participants during the project. It was important to us that the chosen accommodation reflected our commitment to sustainability and provided a comfortable and eco-friendly environment. With careful consideration, we inspected the facilities, ensuring they met our standards and would foster a sense of community and inspiration among the participants.

Following our accommodation visit, we delved into intense discussions about the project itself. We gathered in meeting rooms, exchanging ideas, and mapping out the various responsibilities that needed to be undertaken. Every detail was analyzed and carefully planned, from the daily activities and workshops to the logistics and safety measures. We were determined to create an immersive experience that would empower the youth to recognize, share, and inspire sustainable practices.

One crucial aspect of our planning was the profile of the participants. We recognized the importance of assembling a diverse group of young individuals who shared a passion for sustainability and had the potential to drive positive change in their communities. We meticulously assessed the applications, looking for participants with different backgrounds, perspectives, and areas of expertise. This diversity would foster a rich learning environment where everyone could contribute their unique perspectives and experiences.

As we discussed the project and responsibilities, we emphasized the need for collaboration and teamwork. Each team member understood their role and the collective effort required to make the youth exchange a success. We recognized that it would take a cohesive unit working harmoniously to deliver the transformative experience we envisioned.

With our visit to the Netherlands drawing to a close, we returned home with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. Armed with valuable insights from our discussions, visits, and planning sessions, we set out to prepare the group for the upcoming youth exchange. Our time in the Netherlands had provided us with a solid foundation on which to build an exceptional and impactful program.

Back in our home country, we meticulously organized the project, fine-tuning every aspect based on the knowledge and experiences we had gained during the advanced planning visit. We crafted detailed itineraries, designed engaging workshops, and curated a selection of sustainable projects and sites to visit. Our aim was to create a well-rounded program that would inspire, educate, and empower the participants to embrace a greener way of life.

In the end, our visit to the Netherlands was a catalyst for our preparations. It allowed us to immerse ourselves in the country’s sustainability initiatives, experience its eco-friendly accommodations, and engage in fruitful discussions about the project and participants. We returned home with a renewed sense of purpose, knowing that our efforts would help shape the future of the participants and contribute to a greener, more sustainable society.

As the scheduled dates of 1-9 July 2023 drew nearer, our excitement grew. We were eager to share the knowledge and inspiration we had gathered during our visit, and to witness the transformation that would take place during the “You(th)ink Green” youth exchange. Our team is ready to embark on this incredible journey, knowing that together, we could make a lasting impact on the lives of the participants and the world around us.