Hola! Greetings from San Javier, Spain, where three adventurous Armenian girls spent their Erasmus+ at the beginning of May.

“Gulliver’s Travel” was a project that brought together 24 experienced youth workers in the picturesque town of San Javier. This Erasmus+ exchange program was designed to provide participants with the opportunity to find the balance between body, soul, and mind.
The program took place from May 6-11, coinciding with a major festival organized by the municipality and local NGOs. We were lucky to participate in these vibrant events on the shores of the Mar Menor lagoon.

The main objectives were: 1. Acquiring emotional regulation techniques: mindfulness, therapeutic theater, art therapy, and music therapy.
2. Developing personal strategies to face unforeseen situations through three technical resources: play, leisure, and sports.
3. Learning an innovative methodology based on understanding the body and mind.

The program included not only various games and therapies but also entertainment for the participants. We enjoyed a city tour and a flamenco evening, which allowed us to immerse ourselves in Spanish culture.💃💃💃

This program was perfect for all three of us. The timing, the theme, and our inner anxieties were all in sync, and the program completely pacified us. It helped us realize that before any professional path, you should first focus on personal development and daily habits to avoid getting lost in the work process. Maintaining a healthy mind and lifestyle is crucial.

The format of our intercultural night was a bit different from other projects. We had an intercultural lunch, and during our SIESTA hours, believe me, we did more than you can imagine. We taught each other our languages, danced, and shared stories. We even managed to learn new musical instruments because, luckily for us, our French friends were musicians.

As regards intercultural lunch: Each participant presented their dishes in their own way: creatively, humorously, and using our talents and imaginations. For example, the Italians presented their cheese, teaching us how to eat it in their own harmony and enjoying the pleasure of “Dolce far niente”, while the Slovaks presented their unique and delicious way of eating ice cream. All the while, one of us was playing the guitar, romanticizing life for ourselves.

Last but not least, this experience was not just a training program. We created lifelong friendships, learned about different cultures, and expanded our geography. As one of our friends from the program liked to say, “Erasmus is connection,” and I believe we managed to achieve that together.

Con cariño Gayane, Ani, Serly🪿🦢🕊️