Welcome to an entrepreneurial journey like no other! Our team recently participated in a transformative project designed to empower aspiring entrepreneurs like yourself. This immersive experience, set against the picturesque backdrop of the Czech Republic in November 2023, offered a unique blend of education, collaboration, and hands-on activities to turn your business dreams into reality.

Throughout the program, participants engaged in a diverse range of key activities, from team-building and self-discovery sessions to the thrilling 24-hour Business Hackathon and the nerve-wracking Shark Tank. Whether you already had a business idea or were starting from scratch, the project provided guidance every step of the way. Workshops on Business Idea Generation, Business Model Canvas, Project Management, Marketing, Finance, and Presentation Skills equipped participants with the essential tools for entrepreneurial success.

A highlight of the program was a field trip to an innovation center, providing firsthand exposure to cutting-edge ideas and technologies. The experience was not just about acquiring knowledge but also fostering creativity through workshops and reflection sessions on project design.

Our target audience was ambitious individuals aged 18-30 with a passion for entrepreneurship and a command of the English language. The program was designed to accommodate varying levels of experience, ensuring that everyone, from budding visionaries to those with established concepts, found value and guidance.

As our team members share their success stories, we invite you to embark on this incredible journey of self-discovery and business development. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or taking your first steps into the world of business, our program promises an enriching experience that transcends borders and opens doors to innovation and success. Join us, and let’s shape the future of entrepreneurship together!


My 10-Day Journey at the Business Hackathon
Ten days at the Business Hackathon, titled “Discover Your Future,” taught me a lot. It was an amazing experience, and here are my three biggest takeaways:

The Power of People and Energy: The first thing I noticed was the energy. Everyone was excited and full of ideas. This energy was contagious. It made me feel like I could keep going, even when things got tough. Being around people who were all working hard and not giving up inspired me to do the same.

Finding My Ikigai: One of the best parts of the hackathon was learning about Ikigai. This is a Japanese idea that means finding what you love to do, what you are good at, and what can help you earn a living. It was like finding a map for my life. This session helped me see what I really want to do in my future.

Putting Ideas into Action: We didn’t just talk about ideas; we actually tried them out. The 24-hour hackathon was a big part of this. We took everything we learned during the project and used it in real-life situations. It was hard but exciting to see our ideas come to life. This showed me how important it is to try out what you learn.
These ten days were more than just a learning experience. They helped me see what I want to do in the future and how to get there. I’m really grateful for the chance to have been a part of it.

Have You ever think about your ikigai: what you love,  what you are good at, what the world needs, what you can be paid for and what is your sense and reason for living? The most successful people are those who live following their  ikigai.

Firstly I am going to express my thankfulness to FIOH NGO for great opportunity being a part of one of the outstanding Erasmus + projects, Business hackathon, which was organized by Proactive Network in  Blansko, Czech Republic within the period November 1-10, 2023. It was a project with a group of professional trainers and organizers, with interesting participant starting a new business ideas and sharing their knowledge and experience. The project helped participants not only concentrate on our ikigai, but also gave a motivation to start our own business, change ideas and find new partners. The group of professionals helped us to participate in different workshops giving new ideas and knowledge about communication, leadership and presentation skills, public speaking, marketing, sales and finance knowledge and opened a path for thinking for our better career and future. After getting the knowledge, all of us had the chance to represent our own business ideas to participants, trainers and professional judges. Today, when I am back home I can surely say, that I brought with me  not only all the necessary knowledge and skills  for my future business ideas, but also confidence, motivation, experience, unforgettable memories and ability to create something  better for me and for my community.


There are training courses where you just go through the agenda each day, have some fun, make some friends (whom you most likely forget after the project, lol), and that’s it. But the TC that I recently participated in Czechia was something different, something that you can’t really express with words. It felt as if I were in a reality show full of people who have brilliant ideas but don’t really know how to turn them into reality and just need some guidance to unleash their potential. I don’t know about you, but for me, it’s one of the best feelings in the world to see a person excited about a dream and actually working towards it. It’s freaking inspiring, and this TC was all about seeing excitement in people’s eyes, or should I say, bringing the excitement back to their eyes. It all started the night we arrived in Blansko when we were invited to take a 1km walk around the training venue in the forest, where an interesting game had been waiting for us. But it’s not the game I want to talk about, although it was a cool game. However, what stuck in my mind from that day was the stunning night sky of Blansko. I have never seen stars shine so bright, as if I just stepped into Wonderland, and it was just an intro to something magical that has been waiting for us. For 8 days, we worked on our business ideas, perfected them, made them competitive, inspired each other, and of course, found our ikigai. Fast forward to the last day, again at night, we were invited to go outside. Little did we expect that there were fireworks waiting for us, and we should make a wish. I have seen the bright stars again, now along with fireworks. It was the perfect ending to the story that we were in. Now we’re back, powered with great knowledge, inspiration, new friends who are there for you, and a promise that we will reunite again. I am sure that we will keep the promise because there has not been even a day after the project is over that we did not say hi or talk to each other in our WhatsApp group chat. So, if you are reading this and you want to start your business and meet new amazing people who will be your support group, then watch out for the updates from FIOH because this project happens once a year. The next one is your turn; are you ready?


Having immersed myself in the transformative ‘Business Hackathon: Discover Your Purpose’ program, it’s more than just an entrepreneurial journey—it’s a personal odyssey. Beginning with an exploration of Ikigai, the program laid the foundation for aligning passion with purpose, leading to a unique venture into entrepreneurship. The ideation phase sparked innovation as participants, including myself, generated business ideas intricately connected to our Ikigai. The hands-on experience of a hackathon elevated these ideas into tangible projects, providing a real-world context to our entrepreneurial endeavors.

Throughout the program, I actively engaged in learning sessions that were nothing short of impressive. From refining pitching techniques to mastering financial and marketing skills, these sessions equipped me with the practical knowledge and confidence essential for navigating the intricacies of the business world. Beyond the structured modules and skill-building sessions, what truly sets this program apart is the sense of community that emerges. The collaborative spirit during the hackathon, the shared triumphs during pitch sessions, and the collective learning experiences create a dynamic network of like-minded individuals. Having participated, I not only gained valuable insights into entrepreneurship but also formed lasting connections with fellow participants—individuals who share the same drive, ambition, and a newfound understanding of their purpose. This program transcends conventional learning; it’s a catalyst for personal and professional growth, leaving participants not just equipped for the business world but connected to a supportive community that extends beyond the program itself.