“Enriching the Outreach of Youth Organisations” training course took place  in Romania on 23.02.-08.03 2023.


1. To develop the communication management skills of 30 youth workers from 10 different organizations and their ability to develop and implement a communication and dissemination strategy.
2. To equip youth workers with the tools, methods, and competencies to efficiently develop and use online communication materials.
3. To increase the online visibility of youth organizations.
4. To develop among youth workers digital skills for internal and external communication, including fundraising abilities.

Here is the participant’s success story.

Once upon a time, in Slănic Moldova, Bacau County, Romania, 30 youth workers from 10 different countries gathered together to participate in a mobility of youth workers training course. The Erasmus plus training course on “Enriching the outreach of youth organizations” held in Romania was a resounding success. Participants from different countries converged to learn and share ideas on media literacy, finding donors, and partners, and creating engaging content that resonates with young people.

The training course was facilitated by experts in the field of NGO communication strategy, and it was an eye-opener for all the participants. The course covered different topics, ranging from social media management, to content creation, and youth engagement strategies.

We had the opportunity to network and connect with other youth workers from different countries, and they shared best practices and success stories. We also learned about new tools and platforms to enhance their outreach and engagement with young people.

The course was a 12-day intensive program, and we were fully engaged throughout the duration of the program. We were able to apply the knowledge gained in real-time, and we received feedback and support from our facilitators.  We were engaged in a variety of activities such as team building meetings, workshops, interactive presentations, guided discussions, research, and practical workshops to develop a communication strategy. We also developed an Online Communication Guide for Youth Organizations, which we planned to use to contribute to the development of communication strategies for our respective organizations.

At the end of the program, we were armed with the knowledge and tools needed to enhance our outreach and engagement with young people. We left the program feeling empowered and motivated to make a positive impact in their communities.

Overall, the Erasmus plus training course on “Enriching the outreach of youth organizations” held in Romania was a huge success. The mobility of youth workers project was a great success, achieving its objectives of equipping participants with the skills needed to develop effective online communication strategies and other communication materials. The project’s impact will be felt in the improved communication strategies and outreach of the participating organizations, ultimately leading to positive social change in our respective communities.