The project will run REMOTELY until the boarders are open. 

The hosting organisation is in Romania.

Duration: 6 months

Our project goal is to vitalize the local communities with sport and non-formal educative activities orientated towards social excluded, fewer opportunities youth and kids, from Campeni village (46) and marginalized Roma and poor neighborhoods in Craiova(1200).


  • Develop practical socio-educative animation facilitating skills by engaging in structured, high quality solidarity focused, sport and educational activities for 1246 socially excluded youth and kids;
  •  Improving relevant to job market soft skills (top 4: leadership ,teamwork, entrepreneurship, communication) by managing 3 public events with local impact;
  •  Increasing quality and number of tools and methods used to raise1246 vulnerable pupils’ interest for learning;
  •  Promote social inclusion during 3 public events for 800 indirect beneficiaries by presenting testimonials, interviews, produced didactic sets and materials etc;


ORGANISATION 1.: Rural Center for Active Youth  (Service time: 15 May-16 Nov 2020) –accommodation in rural area.


  • English language through games, drawings, songs, role plays and poems;
  • School curricula supported by Computer programs: interactive math games, logic solving problems, history and geography by educational games, language exercises and others at request and initiative of volunteers;
  • Non-formal methods for developing their self esteem, trust, team work and social skills, problem solving and assertive communication abilities.
  • Home work support for primary school using drawings, games, miming, funny and relaxing way to do school tasks.
  • Heathy education: nutrition, label reading, food selection, sports;
  • Hand made workshops including exhibitions in Craiova markets.

ORGANISATION 2:Socio- Animators on Bikes (Service time: 15 May – 26 November 2020)
– accommodation in Craiova periphery 

  • Promoting sport and healthy lifestyle, mainly nutrition: volunteers will run nutrition and bikes (for 5-8 grade) and carting (for 0-4 grade) lessons once per week , 2 times=days in each school courtyards , in 8 primary and gymnasium schools in Craiova and rural areas
  • Repairing broken pieces of bikes or carts from the activities , after each school lesson for bikes and carts ;they will have tools, wood, paint, cardboard, glue, etc to produce posters, maquettes, paintings, keyrings etc to promote healthy lifestyle and sports.
  • Bike animation in the renting places in parks for kids and youth , by rotation , groups of 2- 3 volunteers will prepare and implement sports and educative animation activities and games with kids and youth entering the park, giving them bike and carting lessons.



  •  Rehabilitation and decoration of Rural Center for- using paint, cleaning products, sacks for trash, brushes, volunteers will clean and decorate the interior of the Club, and arrange the 4 thematic areas with needed materials.
  • “DO THE MAGIC” CONFERENCE-On 25th of September 2020, before their departure, the 8 volunteers from the Rural Center for Active Youth and the 8 from the Socio-Animator on Bikes will organize an exhibition of their achieved results, disseminating the outcomes of their service
  •  Public Sport event: “ESCape Routine“-will be a sportive public event, promoting the project ESC and importance of doing daily physical activity for mind and body; this event will combine the 2 groups of volunteers, who will work together during August to plan and prepare it.



PLEASE SEND A Europass CV format, A letter of motivation to until 01.06.2020

An e-form to fill in here :

All the costs are covered according to ESC rules!.