Τraining course on Human Rights Education

Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action 1: Mobility of Youth Workers. Training Course.
Project identification/ contract number: 2018-2-CY02-KA105-001296
Project duration: 1/11/2018- 30/06/2019
Duration of the training course: 7 days for training and 2 days for travelling.
Training dates: Sunday 2 December 2018- Saturday 8 December.
Travel dates: Saturday 1 December (arrival)- Sunday 9 December (departure)
Number of participants: 36. Each partner will be represented by 3 delegates.
Age of participants: there is no age limit.
Venue: Flamingo Beach Hotel in the city of Larnaca (Mackenzie Beach), Cyprus.


Youth Work, Human Rights Education, Cyber-hate, Radicalisation, Media Literacy, Critical Thinking.

The training course “Human Rights Education against Cyber-hate”, will bring together youth workers, youth trainers, facilitators and youth leaders from European organisations with the main aim to incorporate the Human Rights approach in Youth Work to combat online hate speech.

The objectives of the project are:

  • To raise awareness about Cyber-hate and the risks it represents at a personal level (well-being of young people) and a social level (democracy).
  • To support human rights education activities against Cyber-hate.
  • To promote media literacy and critical thinking and support online youth participation.
  • To activate the partners to prevent and counter hate speech and violent radicalisation of the young people online and offline.
  • To develop and disseminate a campaign in the social media to raise awareness on Cyber-hate.

The participants will:

a) Improve their knowledge of Human Rights Education in favour of their target groups, and

b) Explore non-formal tools of Human Rights Education to help young people develop competences to recognise cyber-hate and to guard Human rights online.


Youth workers, youth trainers, facilitators and youth leaders who wish to enrich their toolbox with non-formal tools of Human Rights Education against cyber-hate


You need to fill the Application Form and send it to info@fioh-ngo.com with the title HREvsCyber-hate_your name