Over the course of these nine months, my life changed drastically. I found myself living far from home, learning to take care of my own needs, and engaging in a variety of activities. Meeting people from different countries and cultural backgrounds, and being able to communicate with them, spend time together, and contribute to society, was an amazing experience.

We visited schools and gave presentations about our countries, sharing facts and answering questions. This helped me realize how much I cherish my heritage and take pride in where I come from. Initially shy when speaking in front of others, I grew more confident, eventually enjoying public speaking, especially when discussing my country.

We visited schools and gave presentations about our countries, sharing facts and answering questions. This experience made me truly appreciate my heritage and take pride in being from Armenia. While I was initially shy about speaking in front of others, over time, I gained confidence and even began to enjoy public speaking, especially when it came to talking about my country.

We also spent time at after-school institutions, engaging with early teens and younger children. We played games, helped them practice English to improve their language skills, and simply enjoyed spending time together. It was a rewarding experience being part of their growth and development.

As volunteers, we organized events under our organization’s name, from park cleanups and movie nights to bike tours and hikes. Given my 12-year background in volleyball, I organized a sports event, though it was delayed until mid-August due to me breaking my ankle while playing. Ironically, this setback didn’t stop me, and the event—aptly named “Cultural Clash & Volleyball Bash”—went on successfully, with several teams joining in a fun, multicultural atmosphere.

During my time volunteering, I also had the chance to travel across Europe, visiting many cities with friends from Armenia or people I met in Poland. One standout memory was attending Taylor Swift’s concert in Warsaw with my best friend—an experience I never imagined would happen.

These nine months completely transformed my life. I grew as a person, became more responsible, and realized how volunteering opens doors and opportunities for young people trying to find their place in society. It will always be one of the most incredible roller coasters of my life, in the best possible way.


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