English without barriers-this is the field where everyone can express whatever they think. This is the field where everyone can say whatever they want. We tried to provide them that field.

“English without barriers” club has already been running for three years, but this is the first year that we have club for beginners.

We focused on the speaking and listening skills. At first our participants were shy to speak as they thought silence was better than speaking by mistakes, but in the end of the course they told us that they weren’t shy to speak even by mistakes and this was our point, we achieved one of our goals.

We discussed a lot of topics during these three months. Sometimes topics were suggested by participants.  We had open-air classes too. We hold a picnic in one of the parks, we played games, discussed different kind of topics, sang, watched movies and just had fun together. We made friends and enlarged our network.

At the end of this course participants got Certifications, new English words, new information about different nations, technologies, religions, cultures and so on, good memories, and friends.