International Documentary Film Festival CRONOGRAF and Study Visit implemented by OWH TV Studio. Study Visit “Cronograf”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 29 May – 4 June 2013. During 5 days, 25 participants coming from 8 organizations from European Union and East Europe and Caucasus region, will get familiar with media situation in Moldova, will discover the…
Read MoreVenue: Czech Republic Theme: “SNOEZEL&MUSIC for inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities” – within “Youth in action” programme Training course for youth workers, social workers, youth leaders, carrers, pedagogists etc. .. Dates: 8-16th of September If you’re interested in the project, send your application forms to the address APPLICATION FORM
Read MoreՔրիստոս հարյավ ի մեռելոց. Օրհնյալ է Հարությունը Քրիստոսի: Easter is a promise God renews to us in each spring. May the promise of Easter fill your heart with peace and joy! Happy Easter!
Read MoreAPPROVED PROJECT IN IVANCICE, CZECH REPUBLIC CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS Title: Do sport- Be Active Dates: 20sep-27sep Num. of participants: 5 + 1 leader DEADLINE: 30.04.2013
Read MoreApproved PBA CROSS THE BORDER in Poland , Warsaw “Cross the border” is going to be a Partnership-Building Activity serving the purpose of developing contacts, exchanging experiences and above all establishing strong and long-lasting links among the participants from for future international cooperation ( 14 countries form EU and Eastern and Caucasus Countries). It will…
Read MoreHAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY May you have enough happiness To make you sweet Enough trials to make you strong Enough sorrow to keep you human Enough hope to keep you going
Read MoreLooking for a short term APPROVED EVS volunteer which will take place in Bodrum, Turkey. The project will run between 01-31 May . There will be 30 volunteers from 23 different countries. The volunteers will take part in the preparation of dance festival and other staffs connected with the festival, which takes…
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