“Dialogue above Judgment” was an amazing project that taught me new skills, broadened my views, and gifted me with unforgettable memories. During the project we discussed various “hot” issues that we encounter nowadays, such as globalization, migration, discrimination based on stereotypes and prejudice about nationalities, races, genders, religion, etc. Through a number of activities we tried to identify the causes of the problems of discrimination and how we can better deal with these, which perspectives we can take into consideration to create a ground for mutual respect and understanding between diverse people and thus make passes to building civil societies.
The topic of the project is very serious and I have to admit that in our country we still have a lot of cases of discrimination. I believe we can organize our local projects to raise awareness about these issues and call people to think critically before pushing forward stereotypes, to put DIALOGUE ABOVE JUDGEMENT.
I want to thank FIOH again and again for organizing the involvement of Armenian youth in such kind of projects. This is the real education, or in other words LIFE is the best teacher. During Erasmus+ projects we learn from authentic situations and contexts, and hence, from life!
Rebeka Yeghiyan
How many dialogues do you have in a day? I mean meaningful and deep dialogues, the ones that sometimes even change your mind change your feelings? It’s hard to answer right? Here is another question for you. How many times do you judge people, put labels on them, discriminate them? How many times in a day do you hurt people just because you don’t want to talk with them, to have conversations, to have a DIALOGUES ABOVE JUDGMENTS? Many times, right? I did the same before the TC ‘’Dialogue above judgment’ taken place in Georgia, Bakuriani. Do you know what happened there? During this TC people taught us so many tools to break stereotypes, to have real dialogues, to stop judging and start understanding. Sessions were so different from one another yet they all had an enormous effect on our mindsets. Facilitators did a great job by putting an accent on our emotions and feelings, by trying to give us other roles by making us feel pain and success of other people we don’t even know. That was an amazing experience with great people from whom I learned so many things even by just having small talks with them. By the way Bakuriani is such a perfect and cold place for the warmest souls ready for group hugs, group works, and group parties ~
Anna Arakelyan