The journey began. Do you know how it feels to head to your first Erasmus+ project?
Well, we did. All three of us: Anush, Levon, and Lilith.
We were on the plane and it was no longer a dream. There was nothing, which could go wrong already. After a long journey, we finally arrived in Petrohan, Bulgaria and our series of fantastic good days began. In addition to new knowledge, we made new friends with whom we were so connected that tears choked us when we said goodbye (of course with plans to meet again soon, this time in Armenia).
The atmosphere overall was very pleasant and encouraging. Indeed, the organizers contributed a lot: the non-formal education atmosphere, lots of fun, intercultural experiences, new connections, and endless care. Although we knew each other for several days, it felt like a big family: we loved, respected, and accepted each other despite all our differences.
It was amazing how full the training courses were: we could dive deeper into digital media tools, analyze them, discuss their effects, and share personal experiences. After very insightful courses, we, indeed, had some fun: watched movies, organized a karaoke night, and rocked the dancehall with our divine dances. Another favorite part of ours was the cultural nights (well, it was supposed to take half an hour for each country, but some ended up talking for more than two hours, as the participants were truly curious). After the cultural night we “hunted” several participants, who were Armenians in heart, and promised to visit us very soon.
Maybe they had a reason to call the project DREAM (Digital Resilience through Education and Analyzing Media). Now that we are back, we remember all the significant and insignificant details, inside jokes, energizers, parties, Bulgarian traditional food, new friends, quality time spent in Sofia, and our lovely puppy Simba.
We are now a part of the FIOH family and are endlessly thankful for the amazing opportunity.