Waldorf Open School: Shaping the Future Through Creative Education

The Waldorf Open School is a non-governmental educational institution established by a dedicated group of parents and teachers, embracing the renowned Waldorf pedagogy. As part of a global network of over a thousand Waldorf schools, we are committed to fostering creative, open-minded, and self-confident individuals.

Our Approach

At the Waldorf Open School, we emphasize a non-traditional education approach tailored to the unique cultural environment and pedagogical traditions of Lithuania. Our curriculum is developed by teachers who draw on the rich experiences of Waldorf schools worldwide, integrating Lithuanian general education programs and standards. This holistic education model aims to cultivate each student’s natural abilities, preparing them to achieve their personal goals and thrive in life.


Our mission is to create an inspiring educational space where children and young people can explore their natural powers, develop their skills, and build the confidence needed to pursue their dreams.

Volunteer Opportunities

We welcome motivated volunteers who are passionate about working with our diverse and dynamic community. Volunteers will be accommodated in a comfortable rented apartment, with each volunteer having their own room. A monthly allowance covering food and pocket money, along with a public transport ticket, will be provided.

How to Apply

Application form- https://visa-form.bitrix24site.ru/crm_form_7yxis/

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