🌿🏠 Calling all nature enthusiasts and urban regeneration advocates! 🏠🌿

Are you passionate about preserving local history and revitalizing rural communities? Join us in Project Le Robbe, a unique opportunity to explore the hidden gems of Milena’s countryside and contribute to urban regeneration efforts.

The hosting organization.
“Il Circo Pace e Bene APS” is an organization founded in 2015 in Milena (Sicily) which main scope of action is Social Development. Its members are young boys and girls of the local community who has a basis of common objectives, purposes and aims, and commit themselves to satisfy the needs and requests of the local community, by sharing knowledge, skills, and capacities of each individual. Since the beginning, thanks to their activism, the organization carried out diverse and numerous projects, events and activities with the purpose to:
– promote the values of equality and solidarity through social, artistic and cultural activities;
– support disadvantaged people;
– boost social inclusion process for people with less opportunities;
– promote the territory, which suffer deep social and economic problems;
– increase social community involvement of the young people

What are the ‘Robbe’? The ‘Robbe’ are charming rural settlements nestled in the picturesque countryside of Milena. These small clusters of homes originated in the late 19th century when farmers built modest settlements along rural roads or near water sources to overcome isolation and access drinking water.

What will volunteers do? Volunteers will embark on a journey to map the area of ‘Robbe’ by walking through the scenic countryside and capturing photographs of these historic settlements. These images will be used to create a creative map of the area, preserving the rich heritage of Milena for generations to come.

In addition to mapping the ‘Robbe’, volunteers will participate in various activities related to urban regeneration in the municipality of Milena. This may include community clean-up initiatives, beautification projects, and engaging with local residents to identify areas for improvement.

Why join Project Le Robbe?

  • Immerse yourself in the beauty of Sicily’s countryside and uncover hidden historical treasures.
  • Contribute to the preservation of local heritage and culture through creative mapping and documentation.
  • Make a tangible impact on urban regeneration efforts in Milena, fostering community pride and cohesion.
  • Build meaningful connections with fellow volunteers and local residents, creating lasting memories and friendships.

If you’re ready to embark on a rewarding journey of exploration, preservation, and community service, we invite you to join us in Project Le Robbe. Together, let’s breathe new life into Milena’s countryside and create a brighter future for all.

INFOPACK- https://bit.ly/3ORNPEy
–  https://escitalysicily.bitrix24site.ru/crm_form_pfxfw/