Looking for ESC Volunteer Venue: Pilzen, CZ Duration: Long Term Activities: Assisting the activities of the school (dance, music, language classes) at http://www.bampaburaschool.cz/ Volunteer profile: – young people who like to explore a new country and new culture and who are willing to introduce their own culture in our programs, – applicants may be artists (dancers,…
Read MoreConditions of participation Age: Between 17 and 30 years English Language Skills Motivation Duration 2 months/ 15.06-15.08 Duration 6 months/ ASAP Number of volunteers 2 (1 per each duration) What EVS offers Round trip (according to a kms system) to the place where the volunteer project is carried out Health insurance (complementary to the European…
Read MoreVolunteering Activities in the Netherlands (2019-2021) coordinated by the Rock-Solid Foundation GENERAL INFO Dear volunteers or future volunteers and Sending organizations, We are looking forward to meeting you maybe in September 2019 and starting a new ESC Volunteering year with you, in one of the three projects coordinated by Rock Solid Foundation: De Glind, Humanitas…
Read MoreՍիրու՞մ ես անգլերեն, բայց չգիտես որտեղ և ինչպես զարգացնել ունակություններդ, մեր առաջարկը հենց քեզ համար է: Նորից մեկնարկում է “English without Barriers 4” անգլերենի եռամսյա դասընթացների ակումբը, որի շրջանակներում բոլոր ցանկացողները կարող են բարելավել իրենց անգլերենի իմացությունը, լավացնել բանավոր խոսքի հմտությունները և զարգացնել հաղորդակցման ունակությունները: Կկազմակերպվեն ֆիլմերի դիտումներ, հետաքրքիր խաղեր, այցեր, կլինեն քննարկումներ՝ տարբեր թեմաներով,…
Read MoreFrom December 3 to 10 youth workers of Future in Our Hands took part in a training course ‘’Disseminate your action” which took place in Bakuriani, Georgia. The project gathered 32 participants from 14 different countries who were interested in successfully managing social media tools for disseminating NGO projects. The TC aimed to eliminate the…
Read MoreFrom December 3 to 10 youth workers of Future in Our Hands took part in a training course ‘’Kickstart your business” which took place in Blansko, Czech Republic. The project gathered 31 participants from 9 different countries who were interested in entrepreneurship. The TC aimed to change the attitudes of young people towards the basic…
Read MoreDo you like hidden places when stories are comming alive? Do you want to know journeys of books and their readers? Do you want to know people who working there? Do you want to know all the secrets? Come and join our volunteering project. We are looking for young volunteer (20-30 years old) who: –…
Read MoreWe are looking for an English speaking volunteer to assist our English Speaking Club Facilitator, which is running it’s 4th round for people looking to practice their spoken English in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. If you have a will to help others to learn and develop, to practice your teaching skills, get on well…
Read MoreSEAL CYPRUS in cooperation with Future in Our Hands in Armenia and other partner organisations has organized an international seminar on Human Rights Education Cyber-Hate;. In Larnaca, Cyprus, The training took place from 1 to 9 of December, with 36 young people from 10 countries participating. The participants have worked on how to promote media…
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