We’re happy to make an open call for a long term EVS in Czech Republic.
Dates are not yet confirmed: probably September 2017 for 11 months. As far as we have more information we will update the post.
The project is primarily focused on culture and creativity. We want to give volunteers an opportunity to show their creativity through different types of activities, to improve their presentation and communication skills as well as computer and information literacy. We offer an opportunity to work in a team or independently. At last but not least volunteers will have an opportunity to learn more about library environment and activities. We hope volunteers give us valuable feedback and help us to widen the network of people who are actively interested in services and other issues connected with the library.There are two main lines of activities in which volunteers can take part. Both of them will be combined with various additional activities or can be combined together. Both of them include help with common librarian activities (describe below) and English Club (describe below). The first line focuses on children and cooperation with Children’s Library. Volunteers will help with common librarian activities and with activities for the public. Our Children’s Library is very active in a field of cooperation with kindergartens and primary schools and also makes a lot of activities for children and families. Volunteers can take part in some of them or together with colleagues from Children’s Library prepare their own – e. g. presentation together with workshop about their home countries, afternoon reading, club for children connected with practice foreign language etc.The second line focuses on presentations for the public. We expect volunteers will made series of presentations or talks about their home countries. They can present culture topics, speak about interesting touristic destinations, about their region, food etc.
All costs are covered according to Erasmus + Rules
How to Apply:
Send your CV and Motivation Letter with your photos from your everyday life to info@fioh-ngo.com . Mention EVS-LIBRARY-CZ in subject line
DEADLINE: 25.11.2016
PLEASE NOTE! CV’s without Photo will not be considered.
Should you have questions do not hesitate to contact us at fiohvolunteers@gmail.com
PLEASE DO NOT CALL. Just send your questions and we will get back to you ASAP.
Take a look at our previous volunteer’s experience in CZ in the very same organisation:
Shushanik’s EVS experience