PBA ‘Cross the Border’ took place in Ustrzyki Dolne, Poland from 9th April – 14th April 2013
The hosting Organization was Fundacja Rozwoju Podkarpacia dla Młodych “Orzeł”.
The participant partner countries were: Ukraine , Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Terceira,Croatia, Romania, Slovakia, Greece, Poland, Malta.
Cross the border was a Partnership-Building Activity serving the purpose of developing contacts, exchanging experiences and above all establishing strong and long-lasting links among the participants from for future international cooperation ( 14 countries form EU and Eastern and Caucasus Countries). By 6 days project held in Ustrzyki Dolne and facilitating the creation of face-to-face relations in a group of 36 people, in both formal and non-formal way, the participants had an opportuniy to gain a position of credible and reliable partner cooperating within the wide variety of projects offered by the Youth in Action Program. The aim was to promote international cooperation and Youth in Action Program, exchange ideas for future youth projects and facilitate the development of new projects with
Project tools and methods were: games, team activities, workshops, discussions, presentations. The program of Cross the border was to teach about projects and its quality; inspire to involve in local community life and international youth projects; respond to the participants needs and gain intercultural experience.
The main themes of the project were:
– youth and sport
– inclusion youth from disadvantaged background – promotion of volunteering – activating youth potential that will involve social issues and their representation in media
– European identity
– integration of youth from various diverse social and economic backgrounds .
-To build trustful and long term partnership that will turn into quality youth in action initiatives.
-role playing
-ice-breaking games
-outdoor activities
-discussions and presentations,
-small group exercises
-creative session