International Documentary Film Festival CRONOGRAF and Study Visit implemented by OWH TV Studio.
Study Visit “Cronograf”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, 29 May – 4 June 2013.
During 5 days, 25 participants coming from 8 organizations from European Union and East Europe and Caucasus region, will get familiar with media situation in Moldova, will discover the aspects of the national and local media and will meet with the creators of new media (social networks and blogs).
Youngsters will have the possibility to discuss the opportunities and challenges mass media in Moldova faces and exchange the best practices of the media usage in the youth sector. Media will be explored as a mean of art and culture through documentary films and meetings with stage directors, and as a mean of entrepreneurship through the produced broadcasts and meetings with producers.
The project will run in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova between 29 May – 4 June, 2013, parallel with the XI-th edition of the International Documentary Film Festival CRONOGRAF